Sunday, July 4, 2010

Food for Thought

Someone suggested we microwave the corn for supper tonight. Mom and I agreed that this was probably not a good idea. My suspicions about the microwave oven go way back. It has always been important not to stand too close while using a microwave. Then years ago we began covering food with waxed paper or a paper towel rather than plastic wrap when heating food in the microwave. More recently, we stopped using it to heat all but water. After reading a few articles online about the effects of microwave cooking, I'm ready get rid of it altogether! Here are a few interesting findings based on individual studies (referenced on Dr. Mercola's website):
  • Up to 97% of the beneficial antioxidants in broccoli are lost
  • Vitamin C in asparagus is reduced
  • Garlic loses it's principle cancer fighting power as allinase becomes inactive
  • 30-40 % of milk's B12 is lost
  • Disease-fighting agents in breast milk are destroyed

Other articles I read discuss the ill-effects of heating foods in plastic containers or wrap as well as microwaves causing the formation of carcinogens in foods.

Back to the corn ~ it turned out to be very delicious. We stood the cobs on end in a pot with an inch or two of water, brought it to a boil and let it cook for a few minutes. The heat was turned off and it sat until everything else was prepared.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this, Cheryl! We got rid of our microwave a few months ago and we haven't looked back. I only miss it for heating up my heat pack, but I find that it isn't worth taking up so much kitchen space for an appliance that is used for so little. We try to use our toaster oven, if we need to heat something up quickly.
