Staples has a great deal on copy paper right now. You can buy up to 2 reams for $4.99 each, submit an online rebate (very easy to do ~ just follow the directions on the printout they staple to your receipt) and get back $4.98 for each ream ~ so you only pay 1 cent each. Also, teachers can buy up to 25 packs of pencils and up to 25 folders, both for one penny each. I showed my Home School Legal Defense Assoc. card as proof of our school. Traditional school teachers can show a pay stub as form of id.
They also have a ink cartridge recycling program. They will pay $2 per cartridge (used to be $3) and you have a limit on the number you can take per quarter. (Check with them about what brand names they accept.) At the end of the quarter, they send out a check that you can use in the store. I was able to use my last check to pay for all but $3 of the total today, so I didn't have much out-of-pocket expense.
Yeah for cheap school supplies! We should see great deals like these for several more weeks. I can't wait to restock my completely depleted supply.